Meet Brave Bird

Meet Judy
Most of my adult life I was an educator whether I was teaching my own kids or running a classroom of students. I have worked with children in a crisis nursery, volunteered at many schools, and I am a devoted Nana to six grandchildren. One of my greatest joys in recent years has been helping a family with sextuplets navigate life with six children under the age of 5. The sextuplets call me Grandma Judy!
We all have challenges that require us to find our courage and be brave. Children are called to be brave as they go to school, get immunizations, see the dentist for check ups, visit a new play group, or leave Mom. Older kids must be brave as they learn to ride a bike or play a team sport. Learning how to be brave when you are young gives a child the tools to handle those challenges that come as we age. Fear is such a big feeling. Most of us will acknowledge that fear is always present in our lives. My girls and I talk about “putting our big girl panties on” for those occasions when you really have to push through and do something difficult. Knowing how to ask for help becomes more important as each year passes. Brave Bird models asking for help as she approaches each of her friends about her fear of flying. She has to get past her fear to succeed. In the process Brave Bird discovers that the magic of being brave is realizing that the courage lies within you. I hope this book sparks your inner Brave Bird. If you want to share your story, write me at youarebravebird@gmail.com
Judy Jamison
The irony of this story is that I could not find my own courage. The Brave Bird manuscript sat on my desk for 8 months with the illustrations completed. All I had to do was prepare the submission packet and send the book away. I finally set a date for her “flight”. I decided she would fly from my laptop to the publisher on August 1st. Working backward from that deadline, I got the packet ready and Brave Bird flew. It was such a relief to send her off, but then the wait began.
On October 19, 2022 I received an email from Brandylane Publishers. They wanted to publish Brave Bird! The journey from that letter to the launch of the book has required me to find my courage many times. The launch date is set for February 12, 2024.
Thank you for visiting my website and learning more about this story!
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Meet Yasemin
Yasemin Akun is an amazing artist whose work is featured on Etsy under the name YaseminAArt. My daughters found her as they searched for an illustrator who paints the illustrations rather than using graphic design tools. The illustrations were a 70th birthday gift to me from all of my children. The work of guiding Yasemin was skillfully done by my daughters, Whitney and Tyler. The last few illustrations were left for my input. Once the illustrations were completed, they became the inspiration to get Brave Bird published. Yasemin has also painted the Brave Bird portrait that I animated. I am blessed Yasemin is a part of The Brave Bird Team. Thank you Yasemin for your extraordinary talent and your dedicated work on Brave Bird.